Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hewitt Happenings

I figured that I would give everyone a brief update on my branch of the family tree. :)

Lexi is looking forward to school being out, can you believe that she'll be a 10th grader next week?!? I can't. My "baby" is now an inch taller than I am and it's amazing at how quickly time passes by. A couple of months ago Lex cut 14 inches of hair off and donated it to Locks of Love. She's planning on growing it and donating again. She also got some good news at her last orthodontist appointment - It looks like she'll be able to get her braces off in June instead of August!

Buster has good days and bad days. His last round of chemo was really hard on him. He was supposed to have chemo this week, but he's got an infection in his right hand from a dog bite so they want to wait until next week. The bite is more of a scratch, but it is a little deep. It was an accident, both he and the dog got startled, and they both pulled back, which resulted in the "bite". Even through it all, his strength really amazes me. He stays busy around the house, and tries to maintain his sense of humor.

I finished the Spring semester and am taking the summer off. I plan on taking two online classes in the Fall. With the rising costs of produce, we planted a small garden last month. This is my first garden, and I'm really enjoying it! So far, everything that I planted is growing. :) We've got lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, green beans, spinach, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, one strawberry plant, a peach tree, and a blackberry bush that we've had for about three years now. Now all we need is a cow for milk!

The animals are a mess. They're spoiled rotten, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Katie, our shepherd/collie mix and Emma, our shih-tzu/lhasa apso mix, are going for check ups tomorrow. Tuesday would have been Bandit's 5th birthday. For those of you who didn't know Bandit, he was our sweet shih-tzu who passed away three years ago. It still makes me so sad...

Hugs and kisses to all,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Becky's new bike!

So just to keep everyone informed, Becky got a new bike last week and it's pretty awesome! We feel the need to keep exercise fun and in our quest found this amazing bike on craigslist. I think we've adopted a new "hobby" and made some new friends who were the previous bike owners. This is alot of bike for a novice, but I'm sure Becky will grow into it reall fast. We're really excited about some new trails we found and will keep ya'll posted with any new adventures!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My Mom went to the Emergency Room on Sunday because she was feeling very ill, and it turned out to be appendicitis! My poor Mama, her appendix had ruptured--no wonder she was feeling so badly. She's being released from the hospital today and will be at home recouperating. Please keep her in your thoughts.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to wish all of the moms and caregivers in our family a Happy Mother's Day! I'd like to thank all of you for everything that you do.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

OLLU Fire - Sad day for SA

Hey Guys, David has been attending MBA classes over the past few years on the campus of Our Lady of the Lake University, a historic Catholic university here in San Antonio. It caught on fire overnight and destroyed much of the iconic building most associated with OLLU. He was set to attend class in this building this weekend - no news yet on that. On a positive note, Dave will be graduating in December.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Olmos Perk!

Here are some pics of the latte art they do here at Olmos Perk. By far this is the best coffee in San Antonio, with the friendliest baristas! They are the #1 coffee shop in SA according to the Current and the Express News. Scope out their website at:
Hopefully we can share some "cafecito" at Olmos Perk. I hope everything is well with everyone and look forward to seeing you all at Becky's graduation party on May 17th. This last picture is the latte I'm enjoying this morning.

Love ya'll,
