Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello from Liz

I just wanted to say hi everyone, and I also wanted to Thank everyone for calling me on my birthday! I appreciate all the love and well wishes. I especially enjoyed Sharon's version of the Happy-Birthday-Mexican/Anglo-Taco-Bell-Song. That cracked me up!! I love you all very much!

I haven't congratulated you for getting your Master's degree...CONGRATULATIONS, Cousin! I am so proud of you. Higher education is so important, it's one of the best things that you could've done for yourself. I'm very proud of all that both you and Becky have accomplished.

I hope that you're continuing to feel better and are recovering from your oral surgery. You and Grandma are in my prayers daily. (The whole family is, actually.) I miss you and Grandma very much. I have a story for you. I have a gas stove and the other day I warmed up a corn tortilla directly on the flames because Buster was treating our comal. Anyway, the scent of the tortilla on the flames took me back to Willee Drive and I was 4 or 5 and I could picture your big strong hands flipping the tortillas. I remember being amazed at how you were able to do that without buring your fingers. :) You would heat the tortillas and then we'd eat them with butter. That was a neat memory...and I find it fascinating that memories can be triggered by sights, smells, a song, etc... I hadn't thought about that in I don't know how long.

I love you and Grandma so much, and I thank you both for all of the memories you've given me. Mom was telling me yesterday about the day that I was born and I didn't remember that you and Grandma took her to the hospital the morning that I was born. She said that ya'll were in a Comet. Do you remember what year the Comet was? She also said that your Dad's funeral had been the day before my birth. What did he die of? Did he know that he was about to be a great-grandpa? It's too bad that we barely missed each other.

You're getting closer to your due date! I hope you're doing well. Are you registered anywhere? Are we going to get to vote on Wilhelmina De La Wheeler's name? She did kick everytime we called her Socorro--I'm not sure if it was because she liked it or not. :)

Stuff in our world
Buster received a blood tranfusion on Friday because his red blood cells have been getting consistantly lower and lower. I hope he starts to feel better soon. He didn't have chemo last week because he's been so sick. The doctors are scheduling a CT scan and after we get the results we'll figure out whether or not to resume treatment. I'm not sure what our options will be if this drug has failed as well. Keep him in your prayers.

Lexi's doing well. She got an iPod for Christmas, so she's been busy loading it with songs, and stuff. The first semester of school is almost over so she's been preparing for semester exams. She and Buster baked me a cake and decorated the dining room with streamers. They're so sweet! Lexi's trying to figure out what to do for her upcoming 16th birthday. It's exactly 2 months after my birthday. If anyone has any ideas, please share them because we're struggling to figure out what to do.

Well, I'm going to say good-bye for now. God bless all of you.
