Saturday, April 19, 2008


Well, there's so many things going on in the Tapia family right now that it's hard to know where to start!

For those of you who don't know I've started my Internship at Methodist in the Stategic Planning/Marketing department, and it's been a month of fun and learning! Just yesterday I participated in an employee appreciation day filled with good food and great fun activities. Methodist sounds like a great place to work!

Rebecca and I have been working super hard with Exegete revising, creating and checking policies. Many a spare moments are working on Exegete stuff, but it will pay off very soon. The good thing is that we're home more often!

We've also added a new member to our family! Her name is Abby and she is a cute and loveable dachsund puppy. We think she was dumped and she needed a good home, so naturally we had to take her in! You can see her picture on this post.

I hope every one can post something, even if its a small something, as often as you can. This will be a great way to keep in touch!

Love you guys,

Dave & Becky


Karen said...

This is a great idea, David & Beck...oh, I mean Doc!
You guys are so cute! Hey I love the pic of Boston, but you could have put your face on there, too, Dave!

Karen said...

OOOPS!! Sorry, I didn't know that was ABBEY!! Hee-hee.

Liz Hewitt said...

What kind of a company is Exegete, and what do you guys do for them? Are you working on a contract basis for them?

Congrats on the new dog! Abby looks like a sweet baby, we take in all of the strays too. I tell my Dad that I have so many pets now as a result of him not letting me have any inside animals while growing up! He just laughs and thinks that I'm silly for "spoiling" my animals by letting them live inside! :)

Karen said...

I totally GET it!! They're like people!! But sometimes better, & more forgiving! You just gotta love those pets!!
Que chula!

Dave Tapia said...

Liz, to answer your first question, Exegete is the consulting company that Becky's parents formed to help Home Health agencies. We are independent contractors also, but operate as Exeget consultants. I do Business Development, and Becky is able to use the MD status to do clinical reviews and such.

I'm glad that you all take in strays too. Maybe all of our parents shouldn't have been so opposed to indoor pets, because now we all have them! Just goes to show forbidding somethign just makes people want to do it more!

Love ya,
