Monday, November 17, 2008

I should be given demerits or something...

I can't believe that my last post was in July! There's really no good excuse, so I'll take the demerits coming to me. :)

So, here's an update on the Hewitt Happenings over the last four months...Hmmm, where should I start? The easiest place for me to start is Lexi. I can ramble on and on about my sweet girl for hours on end. How much time do you have? Just kidding, I'll try to keep it fairly brief.

Well, Lexi's almost halfway through her 10th grade year. I can't belive my baby is getting so big! She's doing well in school. She says that this year is more demanding than the previous years, but she still has all A's and B's. She wasn't able to get her braces off in July afterall, but they're scheduled to come off tomorrow--finally! She's had them on for 27 months, she can probably tell you exactly how long she's had them down to the exact hour and minute. For the last week she's had "finishing eleastics" on and her teeth are basically wired (with the rubberbands) shut. Her mouth is sore, but amazingly enough, she's still managed to talk with her teeth clamped together! Here Buster and I thought we'd have a quiet week, but there's no stopping her from talking! :) It's been quite an ordeal, but she'll have a beautiful smile to show for it.

Lexi and I have been getting allergy shots for nearly a year, and it's been wonderful! We haven't had any sinus infections, bronchitis, etc... and her asthma has really been under control as well. I wish we had done this a long time ago.

In August after Buster had a CT scan the doctors told us that the 2nd line of chemotherapy had also failed because the cancer was still growing. They put him on the 3rd and final chemo drug that's available for colon cancer. It was difficult news to hear, and to make matters worse, the doctor was a real piece of work. I would like to use a colorful adjective to describe her, but I'll behave myself. She was rude, talked down to us, and was overall very insensitive. My husband is a human being as deserves to be treated well, not to mention that he fought for this country and it's because of the sacrifices he made that she was able to move here from Pakistan or wherever the heck she's from, and enjoy the freedom that the United States has to offer! It's also because of his service to our country that he ended up with this cancer in the first place. I'll get off my soap box now...sorry for ranting...
With this new chemo we're now going to the VA for treatment every week instead of every other. He's managing pretty well, and is still fighting like crazy. He has good days and bad days, and still amazes me with how much he does despite his illness. He pushes himself like no other person I've ever known.
Buster's brother, Don, and his wife came to see us earlier this month. They live in Alabama and Buster and Don hadn't seen each other in about 10 years. It was nice to finally meet them in person. It was a really nice visit. His sister, Charlie, has been coming over just about every other weekend for a little over a year. She's truly been a blessing during all of this.
I was taking 2 classes, but with everything going on it was too much, and I had to drop my classes this semester. I hated to do that, but it was for the best. In September I had two tumors removed - one from my forearm, and one from my thigh, two days later Buster had to have a blood transfusion AND he had a pretty bad infection in his colon (Beck, it was C-Dif). Anyway, for the next 12 days he was in pretty bad shape, and I just couldn't keep up with everything. There's always next semester, right? There's a billboard in our area, maybe it's in SA too, it has an elderly lady on it dressed in a cap and gown and it says that she's the oldest graduate at 92 years old. I'm begining to feel like I'm going to be their next "oldest graduate"!
I miss all of you, and will try to be better about posting updates.


Karen said...

Hi sweetie!! That was a beautiful update, and I really enjoy reading about my nephews & neices! I love you ALL, very very much & care deeply about you guys!
Buster is in my prayers, as are you & Lex. I think about him very often...and you his caregiver/wife. Its so difficult at times & the loneliness is hard, too. You're SO young, and I wonder if you are equipped to handle all of this? Of course God can, but...there are so many why's.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. I love all 3 of you & miss you so much.
Hang in ther, sug' !!
Love & kisses, Karensita

Dave said...

Hey Lizzie!

Thank you for your post, no worries on how often you post. What's more important is your family, and Becky and I will continue to keep you, Buster and Lexi in our thoughts and prayers.

We love you all!
