Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm miserable here in colorado the weather and my unit suck. I don't have too many days off either, so i don't have much to say(sorry). I'll try to write here more often i'm just not much of a blogger. Diamond did just have another litter to answer you Lizzy. I'm glad to hear about David and Becky and all their travels. I hope David has a great time in Romania. I know Paris is blast. I can't believe Lexi is all grown up now, i hate to think of Mo and her as high schoolers i always make mo say she's gonna be in 2nd grade next year when she talks about school. : ) Oh well that's about all i got for now. Later.


Liz Hewitt said...

Aww Michelli-Vermicelli!
I miss you, Sweetheart! I'm sorry that things suck over there for you. What's the deal with the weather? Has it been rainy? And your unit--can you transfer to a different one? That might be an ignorant question, but I'm not real familiar with how the Army works...if Buster was a wake I could ask him.

That's funny about Diamond! I was actually just kidding, but it seems like she's always having puppies, so that's why I asked about her. :)

What about your hubby? The last time I spoke to your Dad he said that Sean is being deployed soon. When is he supposed to leave? I'll be praying for you guys.

Thank you for participating in this family blog. I'm new to blogging too, but I think it's a great way to keep in touch since we're all so busy. I know for me, since I'm 300 miles away from "home" I sometimes feel left out of family news and family events. This is a cool way to still be included. Even if you don't have much time, just jot a line to say hi. It's nice to hear from you. It's been too long!

I love the 2nd grader comment! That's the way I still think of Lexi and Mo too. It's crazy that they've grown up so quickly.

Love you and miss you lots,
Your cousin, but more like an Aunt,
Lizzy :)

Karen said...

My poor baby!! You need to come home!!
I miss you!!
P.S. Mo is going to 3rd grade, soon!! Sorry to tell you!!