Monday, July 14, 2008

Condolences, Congratulations, Questions and Updates

I was very sad to hear of Felipe De La Fuente's passing. I'm sorry for the loss that the De La Fuente family is going through, and if there's anything that I can do please let me know.

On a happier note, I'd like to congratulate Michelle and Sean (did I spell that right, or is it Shawn?) on their pregnancy! Children are blessings and I'm excited for both of you. You guys are always in my prayers. I know that Sean in training right now, but once he's deployed let us know what his address is and what things that we might be able to send him in a care package. Maybe each family can take turns sending him some items once a month or something like that? It's just an idea...let's discuss it. Here's a funny story--when my step-brother Ted was in Iraq he asked us to send him some Nair! He's pretty hairy and it was so blasted hot over there he needed something to get rid of all of the hair and Nair was it! :)

Becky, now that you've graduated what's the next step? What are you specializing in? I'm not very familiar with the process of becoming a doctor, so I thought I'd ask.

Dave, I noticed on your profile you said that one of your interests is Hispanic Literature. I really took an interest in American Literature after I took Am. Lit in college, but I've never read any Hispanic Lit. Do you have a favorite author piece that you would suggest that I read?

How is everyone doing? What's happening in your world--anything new? It doesn't even have to be exciting news, just tell us how you're doing, share a recipe, post a picture, etc...It would be nice if everyone would post some sort of an update. :) How was the reunion? We really wanted to go, but Buster was really sick, and I couldn't see leaving him at home by himself.

The infection is Buster's hand is gone, and he was finally able to resume chemo treatments last week. His next CT scan is scheduled in about a month. Lexi is in no hurry to go back to school, but the summer does seem to be passing by very quickly! I was reminded a couple of days ago that I still haven't mailed out her 9th grade school pictures, and she's about to start the 10th grade! I guess I better do that before school starts, so look for them in the mail soon. :) My garden is doing pretty well. It turned out that it's too small for all of the veggies that I initially planted. The zucchini and the tomatoes took over so the carrots, radishes and onions got blocked from any and all sunlight.

Well, I better go for now.

I love all of you,


Rebecca Tapia said...


thanks for the post. after graduating from medical school, you have to train for an additional 3-7 years depending on your specialty. i am a physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor, the ones who try to put the person back together after a spinal cord/ brain injury / stroke/ amputation, etc. we work in rehab hospitals or on an outpatient basis. right now, i train in wide variety of rotations (currently the trauma ICU) but soon will be doing just rehab stuff. my training will be done in 2012, then i get a "real" job, currently I work for about $4 an hour. sounds fun, huh?
love, beck

Dave Tapia said...

Hey Liz,

Sorry for such a late response, but my favorite authors are John Phillip Santos, Illan Stavans, Nicholas Vaca, and Miguel Leon-Portillo.

Illan is an intense author who's highly academic and may bore moost readers.

John Phillip Santos is highly verbose, academic and interesting all at the same time.

As far as Nicholas Vaca is concerned, he takes a bit more of the urban issues expecially with regards to Hispanic and black relations in the US. He's probably a cousin of ours!

Miguel Leon-Portilla is a nationally acclaimed author/translator. His specialty is translations of ancient Mesoamerican writings from Nahuatl to Spanish/English. Very historically oriented material.

I hope this helps!

rachel said...

Hi everyone,
I think a care package to Shawn is a good idea. Michelle, let us know what he likes and needs.
Michelle, try to eat some meat and take your vitamins, follow the doctors orders. I miss you.
Liz, I'm sorry you could not make the reunion and hope that Buster gets better. Lexie, know that the days of going to school is the least of anyone's worries. Life should be great at this time. You are young and not an old folk like me with ailments and working hard.