Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanks Givin'
Monday, November 17, 2008
I should be given demerits or something...
So, here's an update on the Hewitt Happenings over the last four months...Hmmm, where should I start? The easiest place for me to start is Lexi. I can ramble on and on about my sweet girl for hours on end. How much time do you have? Just kidding, I'll try to keep it fairly brief.
Well, Lexi's almost halfway through her 10th grade year. I can't belive my baby is getting so big! She's doing well in school. She says that this year is more demanding than the previous years, but she still has all A's and B's. She wasn't able to get her braces off in July afterall, but they're scheduled to come off tomorrow--finally! She's had them on for 27 months, she can probably tell you exactly how long she's had them down to the exact hour and minute. For the last week she's had "finishing eleastics" on and her teeth are basically wired (with the rubberbands) shut. Her mouth is sore, but amazingly enough, she's still managed to talk with her teeth clamped together! Here Buster and I thought we'd have a quiet week, but there's no stopping her from talking! :) It's been quite an ordeal, but she'll have a beautiful smile to show for it.
Lexi and I have been getting allergy shots for nearly a year, and it's been wonderful! We haven't had any sinus infections, bronchitis, etc... and her asthma has really been under control as well. I wish we had done this a long time ago.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
New exhibits!
There are 3 new exhibits at the Southwest School of Art & Crafts that feature the work of Latina artists.
Here's the hyperlink The opening is this Thursday from 5:30-7:30pm maybe we can all have dinner before or afterwards somewhere downtown.
It's been a while since we've gotten join Becky and I at the new exhibit viewing!
Love ya'll,
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Whiskey Rebels

David Liss’s bestselling historical thrillers, including A Conspiracy of Paper and The Coffee Trader, have been called remarkable and rousing: the perfect combination of scrupulous research and breathless excitement. Now Liss delivers his best novel yet in an entirely new setting–America in the years after the Revolution, an unstable nation where desperate schemers vie for wealth, power, and a chance to shape a country’s destiny.Ethan Saunders, once among General Washington’s most valued spies, now lives in disgrace, haunting the taverns of Philadelphia.
An accusation of treason has long since cost him his reputation and his beloved fiancĂ©e, Cynthia Pearson, but at his most desperate moment he is recruited for an unlikely task–finding Cynthia’s missing husband. To help her, Saunders must serve his old enemy, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, who is engaged in a bitter power struggle with political rival Thomas Jefferson over the fragile young nation’s first real financial institution: the Bank of the United States.Meanwhile, Joan Maycott is a young woman married to another Revolutionary War veteran. With the new states unable to support their ex-soldiers, the Maycotts make a desperate gamble: trade the chance of future payment for the hope of a better life on the western Pennsylvania frontier.
There, amid hardship and deprivation, they find unlikely friendship and a chance for prosperity with a new method of distilling whiskey. But on an isolated frontier, whiskey is more than a drink; it is currency and power, and the Maycotts’ success attracts the brutal attention of men in Hamilton’s orbit, men who threaten to destroy all Joan holds dear.As their causes intertwine, Joan and Saunders–both patriots in their own way–find themselves on opposing sides of a daring scheme that will forever change their lives and their new country. The Whiskey Rebels is a superb rendering of a perilous age and a nation nearly torn apart–and David Liss’s most powerful novel yet.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tough Days

Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm glad to hear Buster is doing better, he's a real fighter. I hope he stays as positive as he can. Moniquee and Lexi are growing up way too fast we need to work on something to stunt their growth. : ) I miss my little thumb-sucking, amanda-toting, Olsen-twin uber-fan of a cousin, not to mention my cheeky Moniquee.
Being doctor sounds exhausting, but very interesting. All my knowledge of that line of work comes from scrubs and Grey's anatomy though. I hope you have a ton of fun on that cruise. Shawn and I will definitely have to look into that sometime.
Well I'm off to bed now, God Bless you all and I miss you chingos.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Boy, am I in it now! There is no looking back! Two weeks into doctorhood and it feels like a lifetime. I will spare the gruesome details, but in general, each of my call days consists of: 1) dude +/- beer, riding motorcycle and hits a deer (three so far -always looks like the deer wins) 2) drunk dude + poor decision making + car + pole = braindead badness 3) half-dead dude with no chance of survival sent to University so we can finish the paperwork 4) drunk dude hit with sledgehammer. I have started to call it "social disease" - since these things happen to a very specific population. In fact, it has heightened by interest in the correlation between trauma and unempolyment, since many parents tell me "he was doing so great, then he lost his job, then he started drinking and being irresponsible".

Otherwise I pretty much have no life. I slept about 16 hours on my day off. Today, I ventured to Target which was a big step for me. Before my rotation started I was worried which weekend day I would get off (Sat or Sun), haha, funny story, my day off can only be a Mon-Thur. So yes, I work every weekend for two months, it's great.
Not to be too pessimistic, I actually enjoy taking care of the patients and families. The nurses are the top of the line. In fact, patient care is the highlight of my day. The intense pains and agony come from dealing with the surgery team - transiently incompetent, disorganized, and arrogant to boot. They make things about 100 times more miserable than they should be. It is a punitive environment where a bunch of surgeon types are all positioning to establish themselves as the dominant, omniscient demi-god they have always thought they were. I am like an anthropologist in some chimp colony. They make a bunch of sounds and movements while I try to discern what they are really communicating to us regular folk. So, this set of mammals will move on at the end of the month and I hope that situation will improve. All in all, my plan is working, because I am completing this obstacle without missing any Aggie or Spurs games - because that would just throw this one over the top.
So, tata for now, I am on call again tomorrow. Thank you for all of the support. David dutifully keeps my scrubs washed and folded, and my in-laws graciously bought us a new water heater and room air conditioner. So, a hot shower and cold room post call! Awesome!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Condolences, Congratulations, Questions and Updates
I was very sad to hear of Felipe De La Fuente's passing. I'm sorry for the loss that the De La Fuente family is going through, and if there's anything that I can do please let me know.
On a happier note, I'd like to congratulate Michelle and Sean (did I spell that right, or is it Shawn?) on their pregnancy! Children are blessings and I'm excited for both of you. You guys are always in my prayers. I know that Sean in training right now, but once he's deployed let us know what his address is and what things that we might be able to send him in a care package. Maybe each family can take turns sending him some items once a month or something like that? It's just an idea...let's discuss it. Here's a funny story--when my step-brother Ted was in Iraq he asked us to send him some Nair! He's pretty hairy and it was so blasted hot over there he needed something to get rid of all of the hair and Nair was it! :)
Becky, now that you've graduated what's the next step? What are you specializing in? I'm not very familiar with the process of becoming a doctor, so I thought I'd ask.
Dave, I noticed on your profile you said that one of your interests is Hispanic Literature. I really took an interest in American Literature after I took Am. Lit in college, but I've never read any Hispanic Lit. Do you have a favorite author piece that you would suggest that I read?
How is everyone doing? What's happening in your world--anything new? It doesn't even have to be exciting news, just tell us how you're doing, share a recipe, post a picture, etc...It would be nice if everyone would post some sort of an update. :) How was the reunion? We really wanted to go, but Buster was really sick, and I couldn't see leaving him at home by himself.
The infection is Buster's hand is gone, and he was finally able to resume chemo treatments last week. His next CT scan is scheduled in about a month. Lexi is in no hurry to go back to school, but the summer does seem to be passing by very quickly! I was reminded a couple of days ago that I still haven't mailed out her 9th grade school pictures, and she's about to start the 10th grade! I guess I better do that before school starts, so look for them in the mail soon. :) My garden is doing pretty well. It turned out that it's too small for all of the veggies that I initially planted. The zucchini and the tomatoes took over so the carrots, radishes and onions got blocked from any and all sunlight.
Well, I better go for now.
I love all of you,
Monday, June 16, 2008

Ensenada, Mexico

Carnival Elation
It was pleasure speaking to you earlier today. The rates I quoted you are all subject to availability and subject to change without prior notice. I highly recommend to secure the rates with a risk free deposit of $200.00 per person.
-------------------------- Itinerary ------------------------ Emb City: SAN DIEGO Emb Time: 12:30pm until 02:30pm Day Port of Call Arrive Depart SAT SAN DIEGO, CA 4:00 PM SUN FUN DAY AT SEA MON CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO 8:00 AM 5:00 PM TUE FUN DAY AT SEA WED ENSENADA, MEXICO 9:00 AM 5:00 PM THU SAN DIEGO, CA 8:00 AM
Interior Cabin past guest rates cruise and port tax included is $269.00 additional is the government tax and the fuel surcharge of $110.05 per person. Total per person is $379.05 per person.
Thank You,
I am in the office Monday to Thursday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I look forward to your call.ALWAYS ASK Rageeni FOR UPGRADES, SENIOR DISCOUNTS, MILITARY DISCOUNTS, INTERLINE, AND PAST GUEST PROMOTIONS!!!Respectfully,Mrs. Rageeni DavePersonal Vacation PlannerCarnival Cruise LineRDAVE@CARNIVAL.COM800-819-3902 ext 82445
Thank you in advance for your referrals, that is how I build my business…
Monday, June 9, 2008
Dave off to Romania
I dropped David off at the airport bright and early. I have to say he was pretty excited. He has worked very long and hard for this degree so I am glad he gets to take this trip as a way to put it all together in studying the healthcare in a far off land. I mean seriously, who goes to Romania? Anyway, he took off on time and should be getting into Paris around 1am tomorrow morning. He will then take another plan to Bucharest where he will be for six days, before capping his trip off with a few days in Paris on his way back home. So, long story short, you will be able to follow his adventure at the following blog:
Take Care!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Calling any and all De La Fuente's!!!
Wondering if ya'll still exist,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
DC part two
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
We visited the National Zoo today - this is one of the pandas.
La Casa Blanca.
We happened to walk up on a press conference outside the Capitol and saw the senators, crazy huh?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Rachel & Becky!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hewitt Happenings
Lexi is looking forward to school being out, can you believe that she'll be a 10th grader next week?!? I can't. My "baby" is now an inch taller than I am and it's amazing at how quickly time passes by. A couple of months ago Lex cut 14 inches of hair off and donated it to Locks of Love. She's planning on growing it and donating again. She also got some good news at her last orthodontist appointment - It looks like she'll be able to get her braces off in June instead of August!
Buster has good days and bad days. His last round of chemo was really hard on him. He was supposed to have chemo this week, but he's got an infection in his right hand from a dog bite so they want to wait until next week. The bite is more of a scratch, but it is a little deep. It was an accident, both he and the dog got startled, and they both pulled back, which resulted in the "bite". Even through it all, his strength really amazes me. He stays busy around the house, and tries to maintain his sense of humor.
I finished the Spring semester and am taking the summer off. I plan on taking two online classes in the Fall. With the rising costs of produce, we planted a small garden last month. This is my first garden, and I'm really enjoying it! So far, everything that I planted is growing. :) We've got lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, green beans, spinach, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, one strawberry plant, a peach tree, and a blackberry bush that we've had for about three years now. Now all we need is a cow for milk!
The animals are a mess. They're spoiled rotten, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Katie, our shepherd/collie mix and Emma, our shih-tzu/lhasa apso mix, are going for check ups tomorrow. Tuesday would have been Bandit's 5th birthday. For those of you who didn't know Bandit, he was our sweet shih-tzu who passed away three years ago. It still makes me so sad...
Hugs and kisses to all,
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Becky's new bike!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
OLLU Fire - Sad day for SA

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Olmos Perk!

Friday, April 25, 2008
Vaca family reunion
To be continued. You may contact Victor at . I'll let you know what I know. Oh, Eli also contacted me. Later guys!

Alamodome to the left, tower of americas in the background, and a large amount of cotton candy being funneled into a seven year old.

David looking good before the ferris wheel ride started.

I asked Brianna to invent a code word for being bored, since that frequently happens to her on outings with me for some reason. First she said okay, I'll say "I'm bored". But later, she settled on "potatoes" to communicate her bordism. She kept faking us out saying "potatoes.... ok just kidding, this is totally not potatoes". We left the fair and arrived at the San Fernando Cathedral Fiesta event, that was way better, but she was already screaming potatoes, so we left after about thirty minutes.
We hope to attend the Fiesta Flambeau parade Saturday night. Wish us luck, and no potatoes.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

For those of you who don't know I've started my Internship at Methodist in the Stategic Planning/Marketing department, and it's been a month of fun and learning! Just yesterday I participated in an employee appreciation day filled with good food and great fun activities. Methodist sounds like a great place to work!
Rebecca and I have been working super hard with Exegete revising, creating and checking policies. Many a spare moments are working on Exegete stuff, but it will pay off very soon. The good thing is that we're home more often!
We've also added a new member to our family! Her name is Abby and she is a cute and loveable dachsund puppy. We think she was dumped and she needed a good home, so naturally we had to take her in! You can see her picture on this post.
I hope every one can post something, even if its a small something, as often as you can. This will be a great way to keep in touch!
Love you guys,
Dave & Becky
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Vaca Talk
The Vaca family in San Antonio now will have a way to keep in touch and share events from the convenience of their home.